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I Am In Awe OF The Clouds, And You Can Find Me Looking Up...A Lot!

Updated: Sep 10, 2020

‘I always say this place is like living a dream while fully awake…’

Rays of sun shine through the clouds, it's spectacular!

Almost rainbow-like colours above me in the clouds.

This amazing lake hideaway is like living in a dream, and I have the clouds and skies to prove it. Constantly, I am gazing up into the sky, and towards the heavens in awe of what I see on here a daily basis. Sometimes it is in the simple beauty of a bright sunny morning, and a few puffy clouds, or later in the day on a warm, breezy, lazy afternoon, wisps of white. Sometimes the sky is full of interesting clouds when the remains of the day begin and a sunset illuminates the clouds creating brightly-coloured warm pinky, orange and yellow patches in the darkening sky.

A misty Fall morning and low clouds.

I sit on my dock and gaze up!

Sometimes there are such breathtaking cloud formations.

Such beauty surrounds my dock.

Wispy jet-like cloud formations.

Heading into sunset, the colours start.

I can hear that little painter say, “a little pink cloud lives here...”

As skiers get in the last runs of the day the colours are spectacular!

It's past dusk and my night photo capabilities are giving me more to enjoy!

Even on rainy, socked in days, to me the closed in and lowered puffy, grey clouds are like cozy arms that envelope me out there in nature.

Rainy, sock-in days are cozy to a hug from Nature.

I am delighted this year for the new technology of my iPhone with the night photo capabilities, and I find myself able to take pictures in the middle of the night with the stars, the lay of the land and night sky filled with clouds and the moonbeams. I am in awe of what I have been able to capture this summer with my new iPhone camera. Thanks, Apple. Not only did I capture some almost-full-moon and sky plus cloud pictures very late in the night, but we stopped out in the boat one night coming back to the cabin from an evening with friends, to silently drift in the fragrant, gentle breezes at midnight and take some beautiful photos while gazing up at the slightly cloudy night sky. I was also searching for shooting stars, but the almost full moon, that made it harder to see any, and the peak of the showers was about 3 weeks ago in the 2nd week of August.

Late at night I can still enjoy beautiful skies from my cabin's deck.

The moon shines through to illuminate the lake waters.

It's almost midnight as I float in a silent boat, gazing up. Stars are above and solar lights and cabins below.

Just after midnight I can enjoy this beautiful sky and lakescape.

This last week (early September) has been full the most incredible sky and cloud formations. To me, it feels like the heavens are speaking to me personally as my life goes through some incredible changes. When I look up into the sky and see all the beauty around my lake property and the canopy that surrounds it, I feel truly blessed. The day I saw the straight rays of sunlight streaming through the sky in a fan, with slightly rainbowed groups of clouds, was a display like no other I have seen over the years that I have been coming here. There was a hole in the clouds, too, that showed a bright blue opening, and it was spectacular.

This sun and cloud display was surreal.

I was fascinated and in awe this day.

Blue skies sneaking through.

This post will inevitably be less words, and more pictures. I feel that I cannot say in words what the photos I have taken can say to you visually. I hope you enjoy these photos. I know I am humbled by witnessing these clouds and sky beauties, as I gratefully live in my forest and lake world.

This was a fabulous view from my second dock.

Sometimes the clouds are just interesting to watch.

At dusk these chunky clouds made me smile.

The sun was sneaking out for a view of me...


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Lady of the Lake BC




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(Lise Parton)

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