'They are tiny and they squeak,
And they have pointed thirsty beaks,
They hover and they zoom right by,
It’s with tiny fast wings they fly...'

Little Hummers They are tiny and they squeak, And they have pointed, thirsty beaks, They hover and they zoom right by, It’s with tiny fast wings they fly. I’m referring to my little hummers, That live near me in the summers, They drink the nectar, taking tiny sips, With their long beaks with tiny tips. The feeder I hang from off my deck, And I keep an eye on the levels and check, So they have a feeder full of food, If they are in a hungry mood. The hummingbirds are my little friends, And I often capture them with the lens, Of my camera so I can have a pic, And sometimes I have to move so quick. They zoom and hover at record speed, Their wings are a blur as they zoom by me, Their iridescent feathers of many colours, Glitter and shine in the sun of my summers. One once built a tiny nest in a tree, And I saw in it tiny eggs, just three, I wish I had been here when the babies had come, I can’t imagine how tiny are their young. I name my hummingbirds, the girl and the boy, As they visit my place for me to enjoy, Tweedle-Dee is the girl, Tweedle-Dum, her mate, And I often just sit here with camera and wait. It is a challenge to capture a photo of them, Unless they perch in a tree on a limb, There I can admire them for a moment or two, Before they lift their wings and off they zoom. I enjoy the squeaky sound they make, And the hum of their flight around the lake, I smile when I hear my little hummers, As I sit on my deck enjoying my summers. By Lady of the Lake BC O