'What was that noise,
That has just startled me now,
Coming from the water’s edge...'

Something Slithering Startles Me What was that noise, That has just startled me now, Coming from the water’s edge, Making me furrow my brow? What’s making the reeds rustle, And wave back and forth, I’m guessing a slithering snake, Coming to bask in sun’s warmth. It is not unexpected, To be startled by a snake, As I walk along the water’s edge path, By the shores of my lake. And I have also seen my slithering friends, Take a cool dip in the lake, Weaving as they slither back and forth, Creating a tiny weaving wake. I’ve seen them come out to bask in the sun, I’ve seen them on rocks and logs, And I don’t mind my slithering friends, Unless they eat one of my frogs. I am used to seeing them around, As I’m residing in Nature’s space, And so I expect to see these snakes, From time to time at my place. But I can certainly tell you, That they can make me jump, When their slithering startles me, When I’m out on my walk-about. But after I take just a moment, To calm the adrenaline rush, I can continue out on my way, I will just avoid that rustling bush. By Lady of the Lake BC